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Indra Wahjoedi
hallow ?

@iwahjoedi hello

Indra Wahjoedi
nice to meet yoy @ThisBoyisGeek

i'm new bsd admin. i'm hoping enlightment


Indra Wahjoedi
ah, how to run openbsd on google compute? any ref?

Aws OpenBSD is there I don't know about google compute.

Indra Wahjoedi
actually it's google cloud engine

[ matrix ]
jrmu (IRC): can anyone recommend a good setup for subscribing to many mailing lists?

jrmu (IRC): especially what sort of client you might use to sort through it all

jrmu (IRC): is there a package of 'pastebinit' in openbsd? It's a command line utility that posts to a pastebin

jrmu (IRC): as for the mailing list, I ended up settling on mutt, so nevermind that question

<b>aaron:</b> jrmu (IRC): Well, I use fastmail, which just has sieve filter sets server side. Making a bunch of folders and search folders per mailing list is rather easy.

<b>aaron:</b> There's probably also a port or script for sprunge, or one of the other services.

jrmu (IRC): M-aaron: thanks. I'm new to mailing lists. There's two things I haven't found a solution to yet: 1) how to view old lists through mutt (I know they are archived on marc and others), and 2) how to avoid filling up the hdd with lots of mail

jrmu (IRC): I want to sign up to dozens of lists, but obviously cannot read them all. I'd prefer to be able to just search through them before downloading, but that may be impossible

aaron: jrmu (IRC): Sounds like you want Usenet or something...

[ matrix ]
aaron: Solution to 2, buy a hard drive that's not from the 90s. You'll have trouble going over 1-2Gb of mail. ;)

<b>aaron:</b> Most lists are honestly low traffic. And if you add some good filters on top, you can generally just mass-delete stuff you don't care about.

jrmu (IRC): M-aaron: yes, I would have loved it if developers still used nntp

jrmu (IRC): oh, 2GB is not bad at all, I didn't realize it that's all it would take.

aaron: It's text files. :D

[RSS Bot [@Jaypatelani:matrix.org]] Berkeley Software Distribution posted a new article: Electrical Schematics Notebook PowerPC motherboard donation campaign - GNU/Linux PowerPC notebook ( https://www.reddit.com/r/BSD/comments/6oqhpg/electrical_schematics_notebook_powerpc/ )

tadau (IRC): hi, how can i move root to another partition?

tadau (IRC): i already created a new partition but can't get dump/restore to work, so i dd'd in single usr mode

Jaypatelani: tadau: :)

tadau (IRC): i thought that should be possible with fdisk and or bsdlabel, but I can't figure out how

tadau (IRC): Jaypatelani[m]: hi there :)

Jaypatelani: ZFS ?

tadau (IRC): UFS

tadau (IRC): that's the reason why

tadau (IRC): want to migrate

tadau (IRC): i don't think there's some magic mystery cmd like in win that transforms one into the other?

<b>Jaypatelani:</b> http://www.wonkity.com/~wblock/docs/html/backup.html

Jaypatelani: This might help :)

Jaypatelani: Nothing is magic if you know what you are doing otherwise everything is magic ?

tadau (IRC): i didn't mean to start a philosophical discussion here ;)

[ matrix ]
Jaypatelani: Hehe :D

Jaypatelani: I hope link was helpful tadau

tadau (IRC): Jaypatelani[m]: thx for the link, but i'm afraid that's not excatly what i'm looking for

tadau (IRC): i don't mean to simply backup, but move / to the new partition

tadau (IRC): i don't know how to tell freebsd where to look for root?

Jaypatelani: Well if you have already moved to new partition you should look into fstab

tadau (IRC): i have ada0p2 as root now and want it to become ada0p4

tadau (IRC): and i did change that path there, yes

tadau (IRC): but the system still boots into p2

<b>Jaypatelani:</b> tadau: http://www.wonkity.com/~wblock/docs/html/labels.html

tadau (IRC): i don't get it? the problem is, fstab lives on both, old and new / so after fbsd booted into p2 it's too late, isn't it?

tadau (IRC): i need to tell the bootloader to take the new partition

tadau (IRC): or pass it as a option at boottime i think

tadau (IRC): but i don't know how

tadau (IRC): something like: boot: rootfs=/dev/ada0p4

tadau (IRC): set a boot flag, or whatever

tadau (IRC): gpart set -a active -i 4 ada0

tadau (IRC): ^^ device not configured?

tadau (IRC): without index it works though

Jaypatelani: Hmm

[ matrix ]
tadau (IRC): gptboot bootonce looks tempting, but comand not found??

Jaypatelani: What ls /dev/ufs returs

tadau (IRC): No such file or directory

tadau (IRC): how does restore work? I have a dump file at /mnt/root.dump and want to restore/extract it to /dev/ada0p2

So today I am wanting to get the VMs going. Which method is best? Bhyve or just VMware? Doing a search online not much as far feature set comparison. Anyone here with experience with both that want to add two cents worth of knowledge?

[ matrix ]
<b>aaron:</b> tadau (IRC): Yea, I'm pretty sure you want the bootloader config (and then probably to reinstall the bootloader to disk.) Unfortunately, I know nothing about the FBSD bootloader.

<b>aaron:</b> tadau (IRC): Hopefully that's enough keywords to google though.

<b>aaron:</b> W3b Fly (Telegram): What are you looking for out of your VMs? I've found them both easy in different ways. VMWare is easy to set up if you have a desktop going and like clicking, bhyve is easy to set up if you don't have a desktop and like typing.

newbie7719 (IRC): Is it possible to download an ISO of a certain BSD and create a bootable usb like for example ubuntu? New to the UNiX and Linux area

maybe from the Virtual Machine Images of FreeBSD, for instance from https://download.freebsd.org/ftp/releases/VM-IMAGES/11.0-RELEASE/amd64/Latest/ the file FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64.raw.xz would boot

I didn't check that

maybe somone can give us more info

[ matrix ]
newbie7719 (IRC): Thank you

<b>aaron:</b> A lot of the installers these days also come as bootable USB images.

<b>aaron:</b> But you could do all the usual ways to install a BSD to a USB if you wanted to make a portable system like that.

tadau (IRC): how can i disable journaling on root?

[RSS Bot [@Jaypatelani:matrix.org]] UnitedBSD - Latest topics posted a new article: About the UNIX category ( https://unitedbsd.com/t/about-the-unix-category/99 )

[RSS Bot [@Jaypatelani:matrix.org]] UnitedBSD - Latest topics posted a new article: About the Programming category ( https://unitedbsd.com/t/about-the-programming-category/100 )

jaypatelani (IRC): tadau: https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/articles/gjournal-desktop/troubleshooting-gjournal.html

jaypatelani (IRC): Section 5.3 :)

/translate_this es hello in Spanish

[ matrix ]
<b>Jaypatelani:</b> Well won't work on Matrix

Lol hehehe

[ matrix ]
CBS (IRC): Any of you hear of or see/use GhostBSD?

CBS (IRC): Just curious.. I'm new to BSD, been using Linux for a long time but I'd like to use BSD as my live OS on my laptop with a busted HDD if possible. So long as say Firefox or Chrome run on it OK, it'll work. :)

jaypatelani (IRC): CBS: it should work

CBS (IRC): Yeah I guess wifi adapters aren't as supported in BSD as linux, which makes sense due to popularity

CBS (IRC): but oppularity is part of why I think BSD might just be overall more secure and such, a small part.

jaypatelani (IRC): CBS: try both TrueOS and GhostBSD see which fits your requirement :)

<b>aaron:</b> CBS (IRC): Other than the clowns at Broadcom, wifi works pretty well on the BSDs.

aaron: (The Broadcom Linux driver is terrible too though, so...)

[RSS Bot [@Jaypatelani:matrix.org]] Berkeley Software Distribution posted a new article: FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE Now Available ( https://www.reddit.com/r/BSD/comments/6prc8d/freebsd_111release_now_available/ )

[RSS Bot [@Jaypatelani:matrix.org]] Berkeley Software Distribution posted a new article: Clang default compiler on OpenBSD for i386 and amd64 (snapshots) ( https://www.reddit.com/r/BSD/comments/6prkub/clang_default_compiler_on_openbsd_for_i386_and/ )

that's awesome

using clang (and hopefully with time lld) will open the door to next generation exploit mitigations

like CFI and SafeStack

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