+1 - BSD seems more open and stand for stability. Many firms are using BSD systems.
Anyhow BSD is criticized for its bad HW support sometimes
Linux would be more inestability, however, a lot of companies trust on it, pay to support it, and top500.org, all servers uses it. I think would be get unstability, but, It's changes always, always you can get a new solutions to issues, to better infraestructure, drivers support...etc
I cannot boot PC-BSD for example in my laptop with UEFI support enabled because does not get a readibily screen in tty; or uses NVIDIA Optimus or nouveau driver, or uses STEAM without takes setup a Linux compatibility support; or uses ZFS spending more RAM because UFS it's too old and slow.
The problem when you are in the "secure way", no more changes, no more features added without test a lot of this software per years ago... before to give flag as stable and after add to "stable software". It's does not work in this age. Why Linux is more popular and get a lot of invest? Because it's more changeable. Why FreeBSD still uses text to configure a kernel? why you have to looking for howtos of people apport more info here about compile options than the main documentation FreeBSD Handbook? Or why does not have end PAE support for years ago or virtualization platform?... because follows secure way...