Is this an OJ? Could you please show the link to the question?
Stupid task. This is not for programming, this is for math. Hence, offtopic.
Since the given information could not result in a known natural sequence here:
Seems that the application requested a frame of memory, which is mapped to a file on an I/O device (disk for example), but the system failed to read that frame page from the I/O device.
However, this is a little bit offtopic in this group.
Please read the message if you don't understand then use english dictionary
When one mentions "pinned msg" in a Telegram chat group, one means the pinned message in that group. The pinned message could be found at the top in the chatting window.
When you click it, on PC/Mac, or tap it, on your mobile phone, the Application will help you to navigate to it. And then you could read it.
I pointed him to a group with more people and that group is dedicated to all languages and paradigms of programming. I feel that my response is justified
Sorry, but in this group, using a language other than English becomes some what a interference to other group members.
Please read the pinned message and using English here only.
Can you explain me why it's needed some example or use cases , explain like I am 5
One example i can make to you is: you have a function where you must modify the value of a pointer. You can pass the pointer of pointer.
Void foo(int** p)
//Modify p
Int main()
Int* p = //an address
Or to dynamically allocate a matrix
Where p** = array of * (that are arrays them self)