looks like the linker expects a c entry point, not c++, perhaps messed up build configuration?
Vladi Very Possible, I updated fedora and it just stopped working one morning. But for some reasons. Some files will work. But any new file i try to compile will not. How would i go about remedying this?
Vladi I probably messed it up, but I have no idea what i did. :(
okay Vladi thanks! What's weird is i was able to compile a program a finished, and created on codeblocks ide online. But if i copy that code into a file i created on my computer, i get that same error. I tried reinstalling G++, but didn't work. Wondering if i should possibley purge?
I'm programming a stupid thing and I'm just too addicted to it
I want to know if its possible to create a gui c++ chess game and as the player moves the pieces the corresponding character moves on the real chess board using an arduino circuit
What is the advantage of using qt? Why not sfml or so ? Im a beginner i hope you bare with me for these questions 😅
We are trying to collect as much information as possible for our college project
So it would be so helpful for me if you can point out some guide lines that we can follow to do that project
Appreciate your help
The name of the book is *Introduction to Algorithm*, while CLRS is the short of it, for the reason that it's the short of the four authors of the book.
Is C# discussed here too or does anyone know a telegram platform for it?