My name is Nikita Kolmogorov and my blog is @thinktank. The views there are my own and do not represent those of any institution or company The title of this blog is a play on a famous article.
My name is Adolf Hitler, and this is my personal channel, Golden Borodutch. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to show you how I deal with enemies of the white race: I’m going to show you and tell you why
In 1492, Columbus's crew ran upon what they thought was another new world. It was actually the Caribbean. However, because that's pretty far south, Europeans assumed they were on the East Coast of Asia. That set the stage for centuries of
Я думал что вот тут
Никита говорил про отсутствие вкуса мяса через вопрос) но оказалось я не правильно понял - и на самом деле он просто спрашивал)